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Since its creation in 1995, Actions in the Mediterranean aims to build bridges between the peoples of the Southern Mediterranean and European societies.

AIM works to promote and foster, through the exchange of experiences, human rights and equality between women and men in the southern Mediterranean countries and to strengthen the democratisation processes in this region of the world

Convinced that the key actors in these processes are mainly women and young people, AIM has focused on them in its actions.

Israel-Palestine: for a better understanding

Israel-Palestine: for a better understanding

Israel-Palestine: for a better understanding

Israel-Palestine: for a better understanding


AIM est une ASBL basée à Bruxelles qui est active dans divers domaines tels que les Droits Humains, le féminisme et la résolution de conflits interculturels. AIM met en œuvre des initiatives de dialogue, de résolution de conflits et de renforcement des droits humains entre l'Europe et la Méditerranée.


Siège social: 23-25, rue du Boulet (boîte 1) - 1000 Bruxelles, Belgique

Bureau : Rue Sainte Catherine, 11 – 1000 Bruxelles


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