Génération Femmes Leaders - Tunisie
For many years, AIM has been committed to supporting civil societies in the Maghreb and in particular to supporting women and youth as key agents of change.
Following the popular mobilisations of 2011, AIM launched the project "Women Leaders of Tomorrow" with young women from the 3 Maghreb countries and Belgium in collaboration with local associations. Several meetings in Tunis, Casablanca and Brussels were organised between 2013 and 2014. For two years, 20 young women from Morocco, Tunisia, Algeria and Belgium were mentored by a team of Maghrebi and European coaches to strengthen their personal development and leadership skills by supporting entrepreneurship and creativity.
In this context, in May 2014, on the occasion of the European and local elections in Belgium, each of our participants accompanied a Brussels candidate in her election campaign activities.
At the same time, AIM launched the "Women Leaders of Tomorrow - Morocco" program in view of the communal (2015) and legislative (2016) elections. From 26 August to 1 September, local elected women from Brussels and Belgian parliamentarians travelled to various Moroccan cities to support young women candidates for the municipal and regional elections in their electoral campaigning by exchanging experiences and good practices..
In 2017, AIM launched phase one of the "Generations Women Leaders - Tunisia" programme which supports the empowerment and political participation of women at all levels of power in the context of the democratisation process underway since 2011 in Tunisia. Articles to discover our programme "Women Leaders of Tomorrow - Tunisia 2017-2018".
Following on from the first phase, AIM and the participants in the "Generations Leaders of Tomorrow Tunisia 2017-2018" program are setting their sights on 2019-2021; a key period in the process of democratic consolidation in Tunisia, particularly for young people and women. In anticipation of electoral moments (local, regional, legislative and presidential elections), AIM invests in capacity building for programme participants, local elected officials and/or activists through training modules, exchange of experiences, networking, meetings and debates as well as support to their projects and other initiatives.
AIM organises awareness-raising campaigns on women's political participation in the Maghreb and in Europe based on the documentary movie "Generation Women Leaders - Tunisia : for an equal political participation in Tunisia" ( 27’’ produced by AIM).
Le processus de renforcement des capacités

1. Formation
AIM accompagne des femmes engagées dans leur parcours politique.
Les enjeux ?
Redonner confiance

2. Echanges d’expériences
Organisation de :
Cafés débats
Rencontre avec des rôles modèles.
Echange avec des élues bruxelloises

3. Accompagnement
Suivi ciblé de ces femmes par une coach
Genèse du projet :
Suite aux mobilisations populaires de 2011, AIM a lancé le projet "Femmes Leaders de Demain" (FLD) avec des jeunes femmes du Maroc, de la Tunisie, de l'Algérie et de Belgique en collaboration avec des associations locales. Plusieurs rencontres à Tunis, Casablanca et Bruxelles ont été organisées entre 2013 et 2014. Pendant deux années, ces 20 jeunes femmes ont été accompagnées par une équipe de coaches maghrébins et européens afin de renforcer leurs compétences en développement personnel et en leadership en soutenant l’entreprenariat et leur créativité.
Dans ce contexte, en mai 2014, à l'occasion des élections européennes et locales en Belgique, chacune de nos participantes a accompagné une candidate bruxelloise dans ses activités de campagne électorale.
Parallèlement, AIM a lancé le programme "FLD - Maroc”. En vue des scrutins communal (2015) et législatif (2016), des élues locales bruxelloises et des parlementaires belges s'étaient rendues du 26 août au 1er septembre dans différentes villes du Maroc pour soutenir, par l'échange d'expérience et de bonnes pratiques, des jeunes femmes candidates aux élections communales et régionales à faire campagne électorale.