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7th edition

This video mini-series of 6 episodes questions the Israeli-Palestinian conflict through the lenses of Brussels' youth. These videos were produced through an artistic workshop under Alexander K. Doyle's guidance, for the 7th edition of our programme "Israel - Palestine : To Better Understand".

Episode 1 : What does it mean to be Palestinian?

Episode 4 : What does freedom mean?

Episode 2 : What does it mean to be Israeli?

Episode 5 : Qu'est-ce qu'une opinion ?

Episode 3 : Can you explain the Israeli-Palestinian conflict?

Episode 6 : Que signifie vivre en paix ?

6th edition

Le film

This film recounts the journey of 45 young students from Brussels during their trip to Israel-Palestine in February 2020. After months of training, debate, learning about the history and geography of the region, Human Rights, and public speaking skills, Our participants from the 6th edition traveled on-site to confront the local complexity and think more critically.

Israel-Palestine : Culture and Resistance

Photography workshops

Episode 1 : In what ways has this trip to Israel-Palestine changed you?

Episode 2 : How have you sharpened your perceptions regarding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict?

Episode 3 : When you think back at your trip to Israel-Palestine, what first comes to mind?

Episode 4 : What message would you like to send to future generations?

Episode 5 : How would you like to stay active after this trip ?

5th edition

This film was produced during the 5th edition of the "Israël-Palestine: pour mieux comprendre" project. 45 students from 4 different schools in Brussels took part in a year-long training programme about the history and geography of the conflict, the deconstruction of stereotypes, and media analysis. Afterward, they traveled to Israel-Palestine for a week. This film showcases their experiences, connections, feelings, and reflections.
Moreover, these young participants directly and actively helped bring this documentary to life thanks to the workshops they took part in and the guidance of two film directors.

Israël-Palestine : Notes de voyage

4th edition

This film shows the journey of the 47 students who took part in the 4th edition of the "Israël-Palestine: pour mieux comprendre" project. These 47 young participants, attending 4 different schools in Brussels, will analyse together the conflict, the stereotypes that surround it, and different types of media pertaining to it, but will also get to know each other in order to build the multicultural Brussels of tomorrow.

De l'Autre Côté

This film showcases the cycle of verbal duels, renamed "DEBAT DES MAUX" (DEBATE OF ACHES) in each school, and the final round at the "Notre Dame of Jerusalem" auditorium. On this occasion, the 6 teams included a student from Tel Aviv, one from Hand in Hand, one from the Jerusalem School, 2 from Brussels, and one from the "DebateForPeace" association.
This film was directed by Chris Bullata and Mashal Kawasmi.

Débat des maux

2nd edition

3rd edition


AIM est une ASBL basée à Bruxelles qui est active dans divers domaines tels que les Droits Humains, le féminisme et la résolution de conflits interculturels. AIM met en œuvre des initiatives de dialogue, de résolution de conflits et de renforcement des droits humains entre l'Europe et la Méditerranée.


Siège social: 23-25, rue du Boulet (boîte 1) - 1000 Bruxelles, Belgique

Bureau : Rue Sainte Catherine, 11 – 1000 Bruxelles


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